It's one thing to loose money it's another not to have a good time doing it. I've tried to continue to give twin river the opportunity to create a good casino experience, however, it's a lost cause. How in the hell does twin river expect someone to enjoy themselves in that type of atmosphere. Unlike a normal, respectable casino, twin river has no rules whatsoever, anything goes. On your way out the door you can always depend on seeing a security man sleeping on the counter at the coat check room, LOL. No security, no Wait Staff, payout machines out of order, no cashiers, no floor person, no service whatsoever. If you want the best twin river experience, go in after midnight, LOL. People are allowed to run wild, bum money, bum cigarettes, stand behind you, eat at machines, spit on machines, kick,slam,and punch machines, use the floor for an ashtray, use the seats for an ashtray, put their flip flops or bare feet up on the chairs and machines. The biggest problem they STILL have is no security.